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Deaf children

They are children with deep and persistent bilateral hearing loss, Which hinders or makes the acquisition of independent speech impossible. Most deaf individuals have auditory residues, This allows them to perceive only very loud sounds (above 80 dB in the 1000-2000 GHz range). Even with specialized training, The development of verbal speech in deaf individuals lags behind the norm and has a number of features regarding the mastery of actual speech, Understanding the composition of phonetic letters of words; often there is an expansion or narrowing of the meanings of words. Speech comprehension precedes the ability to express oneself in verbal, tactile and written speech. To communicate, They usually use touch language and sign language – whose sign and informational structure is more complex than natural gestures. However, They differ from verbal language in their vocabulary, grammar and ways of expressing them, It is somewhat poorer than verbal language, It is used in communication by a limited circle of people. Specialized training allows deaf children to acquire verbal speech.