The Emirati-Russian Psychological Dictionary
All thanks and appreciation to the working group of parties and partners, the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi.
Statistics Center – Abu Dhabi
Department of Government Ownership – Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Police General Command
United Arab Emirates University
Abu Dhabi Media Network
Abu Dhabi Public Health Center
We dedicate this excellent scholarly resource to learners and researchers on the knowledge of the English language.
It can enhance understanding and communication in Arabic and Russian.
It also contributes to the facilitation of the educational process.
It facilitates a better psychological well-being and a better exchange of knowledge between cultures.
The program promotes the social and cultural role of the organization through a variety of educational programs and psychological concepts. and psychological concepts in both languages, as well as the promotion of psychosocial care in the community.
especially in light of the importance of the Russian language in the field of psychology.
where it is based on the concepts of psychology and psychoanalysis.
It aims to provide an accurate understanding of the Russian concepts used in psychology.
contributing to the enrichment of knowledge and scientific exchange
Abdullah Al Humaidan, Secretary General of the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination
The Emirati-Russian Psychological Dictionary
This book is the first scientific collaboration between the Zayed Al-Aliyad Al-Hamam Foundation for the Health of the Ural People of Determination and the Zayed Al-Aliyad Al-Hamam Foundation for the Health of the Ural People of Determination, the first president of the Zayed Al-Aliyad Al-Hamam Foundation.
This is the first scientific attempt to create an Emirati-Russian dictionary of psychological terminology.
and promote scientific cooperation between the UAE and Russia
The dictionary provides a wide range of information on terms covering a wide range of subject areas, and will become a guide to the development of the dictionary.
It will become an important guide to the comprehensive development of the terminology in Russian and English, as well as to the comprehensive development of the terminology in the Russian language and the Russian language, as well as to the development of the terminology in the Russian language and the Russian language, as well as to the development of the terminology in the Russian language. The United Arab Emirates, Russia and its Reflection on the United Arab Emirates and the Russian Federation as a Whole and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation and its Reflection on the Russian Federation.
It aims to create a dialog between the leaders of the two traditions.
يتضمـن إنشـاء قامـوس تعليمـي ثـنائي اللغـة حـل مجموعـة واسـعة النطـاق مـن المشـكلات النظريـة والعمليـة،
which would not be possible without the inspiring and inspiring support provided by the leadership of the Foundation.
We would like to acknowledge the hard work and willingness of the Foundation to resolve all necessary issues on the ground.