Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research

About the Award

The Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research, established under the umbrella of the UAE-Russia Psychology Dictionary Project, is a prestigious platform that aims to promote and support excellence in scientific research and psychological studies. This award reaffirms the commitment to encourage academic dialogue and the development of psychological research between Arabic- and Russian-speaking academic communities, as it provides an opportunity for students, researchers and academics to showcase their scientific contributions and highlight intercultural research that enriches global understanding of the field of psychology.

The Emirati-Russian Psychological Dictionary was developed through a fruitful academic collaboration between Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination and Ural Federal University, with the aim of addressing the urgent need for a comprehensive reference covering psychological terminology in Arabic and Russian. The Emirates Researchers Center for Research and Studies, part of the Emirates Foundation for Science and Research, is participating in this academic initiative, highlighting the importance of scientific cooperation to promote cross-cultural knowledge.

The award seeks to recognize pioneering research that addresses complex challenges in translating and adapting psychological concepts between Arabic and Russian. Furthermore, the award recognises the vital role of technology in modern research by dedicating a special category to the best use of Dictionary GPT, a sophisticated artificial intelligence tool trained on dictionary data. This approach highlights the future vision of the initiative, which combines traditional scientific research with innovative technical solutions.

The International Psychology Award not only celebrates individual academic achievements, but also promotes a spirit of collective pursuit of knowledge. Through this award, the Emirati-Russian Psychological Dictionary project aspires to contribute to enriching global psychological knowledge, supporting emerging researchers, and inspiring future research that reflects the growing interconnectedness of our world.

Share Now Criteria

The Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research is open to a wide range of individuals in the academic community to ensure the diversity of contributions and the value of the research presented. The following criteria must be met to participate:

  1. Undergraduate and graduate students
    The award welcomes the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students (masters and doctorate) from various recognized universities. This class encourages students to present their scientific research that represents valuable additions in the field of psychology and demonstrates their ability to analyze and innovate.

  2. Independent researchers and academics
    The award includes independent researchers and academics working in recognized academic or research institutions. Researchers can submit their original research or scientific papers that contribute to the development of psychological knowledge, especially those dealing with issues between Arab and Russian cultures.

  3. Psychology specialists and academic practitioners
    Individuals who practice psychology academically or clinically can engage in research that sheds light on psychological challenges and solutions in society, especially those that promote mutual understanding between different cultures or offer innovative approaches to dealing with psychological concepts.

  4. Research groups or joint task forces
    Applications from joint research teams comprising researchers from diverse backgrounds are accepted, provided that the submitted work is joint and demonstrates academic collaboration between individuals or institutions. This encourages teamwork and collaboration between researchers to catalyze interdisciplinary research achievements.

  5. Language and publication standards
    All scientific works submitted for the award must be submitted in Arabic, Russian or English. Articles and research must be original and not published elsewhere or presented to another award at the same time, in order to ensure the credibility and excellence of the award.

Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research

Award Categories

The Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research includes several categories aimed at honoring outstanding research and contributions that enhance the understanding of psychology and connect different cultures. The four categories of the award are:

  1. Distinguished Research Award in Intercultural Psychology
    This category aims to honor research that highlights psychological challenges related to cultural differences between Arab and Russian societies. Qualified research includes comparative studies that investigate the influence of cultural factors on psychological behaviors and theories, and offer new insights to enhance mutual understanding.

  2. Innovative Methodological Contribution Award
    This award is given to research that introduces new approaches or tools that contribute to the development of psychological research and raise the quality of studies. This category is encouraged to provide research tools or analytical methodologies that enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of academic work in the field of psychology, especially in multilingual contexts.

  3. Best Use of Dictionary GPT Technology Award
    This category celebrates research based on the use of the Dictionary GPT tool trained on Emirati-Russian psychological dictionary data. This award honors research that highlights how artificial intelligence can be leveraged in the development and analysis of psychological data, demonstrating practical applications of modern technology in scientific research.

  4. Emerging Researcher Award
    This category is reserved for new researchers who demonstrate promising potential in the field of scientific research. The award recognizes innovative research that demonstrates critical thinking and contributes to enriching the field with new ideas. This category aims to support the next generation of scientists and researchers and motivate them to pursue their academic and professional paths in psychology.

Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research


The Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research Awards are awarded for outstanding research and contributions in each of the four approved categories, and the awards include:

  • First winner in each category: Receives a cash prize of USD 3,000 and an official certificate of appreciation recognizing his outstanding scientific achievement.
  • Second winner in each category: receives a prize money of US$2,000 and a certificate of appreciation for supporting a high-quality contribution to the field of psychological research.
  • Third winner in each category: Receives a prize of USD 1,000 and an encouraging certificate of appreciation for his active role in providing valuable research content.

Scientific topics and themes

The Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research encompasses a variety of topics and themes that reflect recent interests and academic challenges in the field of psychology. These topics include:

  1. Challenges in translating and adapting psychological terminology
    These themes highlight the challenges faced by researchers and translators in adapting and translating psychological terms between Arabic and Russian, and research on the best ways to overcome these obstacles to enhance scientific communication.

  2. Comparative studies in psychological theories and practices
    These themes encourage research that compares psychological theories and practices in Arab and Russian societies, and examines how their applications differ and affect individuals and societies.

  3. Psychological tools and their assessment across cultures
    These themes focus on research that develops or evaluates psychological tools used in multicultural contexts, taking into account linguistic and cultural factors affecting the accuracy and effectiveness of these tools.

  4. Applications of psychological research in the fields of public health and education
    These include studies on how the results of psychological research can be used to develop public health and education policies and practices to enhance the well-being of individuals and communities.

  5. Innovation in the use of technology in psychological research
    These themes address research that leverages tools such as Dictionary GPT to develop or analyze psychological research innovatively, demonstrating the potential of AI to enhance research results and broaden its horizons.

  6. Social and psychological challenges and their impact on individuals
    These themes address research that reviews the psychological and social challenges facing individuals in different societies, such as psychological stress, the effects of trauma and how to cope with them.

Presentation Format

Entries submitted to the Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research must follow the formula set to ensure fair and uniform evaluation by the jury. The application format includes:

  1. Summary

    • The abstract should contain a maximum of 300 words and include a summary of the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.
    • The abstract should preferably be in the language of the submitted research (Arabic, Russian, or English).
  2. Full Research Paper

    • The paper must be scientifically written and formatted according to APA or MLA standards, and between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length.
    • The paper should include an introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion, with references included.
    • Written research in Arabic, Russian or English is accepted, with an abstract in English if the research is in Arabic or Russian.
  3. Supporting materials

    • Any supporting materials such as tables, graphs, and raw data can be attached as appendices at the end of the paper.
  4. Brief presentation

    • Submit a presentation of a maximum of 10 slides, summarizing the main points of the research, such as objectives, findings, and conclusions, for use in the judging process and final presentations.
  5. Declaration Form

    • An acknowledgment form must be submitted demonstrating the originality of the research and commitment to the ethical standards of scientific research.
  6. Translation

    • If the research paper is written in Arabic or Russian, a brief abstract must be provided in English.

Additional Guidelines

  • All entries are submitted electronically through the official award platform.
  • The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2025.
  • You must ensure that all application requirements are completed before the deadline to ensure acceptance of participation.


The timeline for the Psychology Dictionary Award for Scientific Research has been set to ensure that the process is organized efficiently and that participants are given sufficient time to prepare and submit their entries. The award timeline is as follows:

  • November 15, 2024: Official announcement of the award and the opening of submissions.
    The award will be announced across media platforms and academic institutions, with the launch of an online platform dedicated to submitting entries.

  • January 15, 2025: Deadline for submissions.
    Submissions close at the end of this day. Participants are advised to submit their entries before the deadline to avoid any technical issues or delays.

  • February 15, 2025: Award ceremony and announcement of winners.
    The awards ceremony will be held on a special occasion, where the winners in each category will be announced and prize money and certificates of appreciation will be presented. Winners will be invited to attend and submit abstracts of their research.